Why can't you spell? (part two)

As read on the packaging for my wife's chopsticks last night at dinner...

Welcome to Chinese Restaurant. Please try your Nice Chinese Food With Chopsticks the traditional and typical of Chinese glonous history and cultual.

Learn how to use your chopsticks

Tuk under tnurnb and held firmly

Add second chcostick
hold it as you hold a pencil

Hold tirst chopstick in originai position move the second one up and down Now you can pick up anything:

Productof China
I tell ya, just magical.


Jerry said...

What that described, in broken engrish, is only the basics. Actual chopstick use is only really learned by forcing yourself to use them in myriad ways over a period of weeks and months... and eventually they just become extensions of your hands.

Todd said...

You know, I wonder if some poor kid is going to spend half a day looking for his 'tnurnb', end up suing the chinese company who makes the chopsticks, and winning like a billion dollars, in emotional-diress damage, insulting-linguistically-challenged damage, and all of those other things people sue for these days...

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I am the only who knows where my "tnurnb" is. It is at the back part of your "snurnpis" and then just go a little more north past the "mnurnoth" and there it is. Plain as day. Maybe it is just an American thing to be illiterate. Lol. Seriously I love you guys and definitely suggest you both get on the "facebook" train. I'sa good train to be on ya'kno. Drop us a line sometime, Mr. Mystery. -The Webbs