real rock and roll

now playing: house show // derek webb
Yep, I now have it. My very own copy of House Show. How killerly exciting is that? Derek is definitely one of those people in the world who "gets it." This CD is highly recommended. HIGHLY. It features not just great performances, but Derek's explanation of why he says what he says in his songs. It's awesome. Rock, Rock On.
So, in other news... how about all those doctrines that take one verse and develop some thought, some idea, that was never actually there in the text? God's three fold will in Romans 12:2? WHAT IS THAT? Paul used three adjectives, similar ones even, and so now he's broken down God's will into a tripartite division? Let's not be absurd. Argh.
Here's my problem: we're convinced that somehow, since we're standing on 2000 years of Biblical studies, we're far more advanced than the Apostle Paul could've been when he wrote Romans, or than Pete could've been when he wrote 1st and 2nd Pete. Here's the thing though... brace yourselves, it's shocking:
We've got no business trying to find meaning in little hypothetical ideas we superimpose over passages when we can't even talk and live like we comprehend the basics. Back to basics.
/end rant.
And I leave you now friends, while Derek sings a one vocal, one guitar version of This World. Good night!

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