A Tim Horton's Economy, redux

In honour of Tim Horton's forthcoming price changes, I thought I'd point everyone back to something I said in July of 2005: http://andymack.blogspot.com/2005/07/tim-hortons-economy.html

A quote from that time:

As much as we Canadians appreciate crude oil, world currencies and Martha, there is one item that I believe serves as the bedrock of our society; one item that, with every shift in its cost, threatens to crumble the very foundation that this great country is built on. That's right: Tim Hortons coffee.

And now... $1.40 per large double-double.
Tim Hortons is hurting Canada. And so is According to Jim.


Luke Bruce said...

Well... I guess I can ashamedly say I am now a member of the cruel coffee-price-hiking organization of Tim Hortons.... for a while anyway.... but to the point, COME VISIT, YOU LOSER... peace out bro, I miss you man

Justin said...


you definitely won me over with the Jon Stewart reference...

and everyone knows this blog is all about impressing me.

S.D. Smith said...

I think the government should take over and provide Tim Horton's for everyone and then everyone would have it and the excellence of Tim Horton's would be top-notch. It works in health-care...or does it?

JonnyMac said...

Zing........ Nice one Sam. We still think it works. Socialism + Tim Hortons , now thats a combo I could go for, but it would drive the wait times thru the roof.