now playing: closure / believing didymus

don't go looking for it, cause there's only like 30 odd copies of "puddlejumping" out there... it'll be gold if the guys from BD ever make it big. ;-) Here's one of my favorites though, for your contemplative enjoyment

how can I get closure on a never opened issue?
how can I cry when I should not have cared?
how can i feel stabbed when no knife ever existed?
why does life go this way?

___I just want to curl into Your arms
___And let the tears flow
___Even though I don't understand
___You reign here below
___And when I just cannot see
___I know Your plan will show
___cause Your love sustains me
___And You are good.

why is it always that my heart commits perjury?
and it seems like I am out, out to get me
was it something that I did, or was it in God's plan?
why is it that I never seem to understand?


Your ways are always higher than what I comprehend
Your love is deeper than the Marianas trench
and when I feel despair, I know You're faithful
You are the Holy God, the Rock unshakeable


sometimes a song transcends a situation, and becomes an encouragement, no matter what's going on. That's what "closure" has become. Ironically, the theme from deliverance does just about the same thing. ;-) Alright guys, rock and roll, I hope this moment from the past was as encouraging for you as it was for me!
andymack, signin' out.
andymack and the mack is back no slack


Anonymous said...
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andrew said...

comments are such a bandwagon... and whilst I'd never have gone out and solicited a membership from a comment provider, I figure that, since it's already built into the software, I might as well enable it. Or something. *wagon hopping... wagon hopping*

oh yeah, that anonymous post... that was me as well. my bad.