good week / bad week

now playing: baby one more time / punk cover. it's no where near as good as I hoped it would be. it's far too serious. Ah, that's a little better... a punk cover of bad moon rising by creedence. yeah.

Hey guys. Welp, the olympics are on in the background, my dad's ranting at them (if I don't have some weird genetic eccentricities, it'd be a miracle. Actually, no, I wouldn't call it a miracle. Cause I wouldn't want it that way. I'll take all the genetic eccentricities in the world... dad's a riot! Especially when he talks about how he could take all these stinking athletes), and I'm sitting here writing to you guys.

You can go to code's blog to see a quick synopsis of how my week has been. Pretty well like that. Praise God that He opens our eyes to this stuff. It hurts, but it's good. And it's nice to know that there are other people out there going through similar stuff as us. God sure didn't make us to battle it out alone. That just wasn't His intention. That's why we have the church (for more Ecclesiological comments, purchase Derek Webb's House Show cd. It's awesome.

I don't really have anything deep to say, except that... to quote my buddy Cook, now is the time... Make the most of every moment. And don't be afraid to think and plan big, as long as you're loving God first and foremost. Also, keep in mind that most of life is lived in the inbetweens, and it'll be the little stuff that ends up making the most difference: how you raise your kids, how you conduct yourself in the job you hate, the thing you say to the grocery clerk during check out. Don't live life from one "big deal event" to the next; live in the inbetweens.

Cheat commandos. Rock, Rock on.

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