an interesting article

Note: I do not EVER read GQ. Someone on a webboard I read referenced this article, and I was curious, given the fact that it's a journalist from a guy's magazine (a genre that I don't associate with, say, journalistic integrity), and it's about Christian music. It's worth a read (if you can handle a few swears) and it'll certainly give you something to think about, even if you don't think his conclusions about faith are necessarily right.

so, read the article!


Kim said...

Lengthiness,and frying frog's legs aside, it was a very good read, and it did indeed lead me to think, although on different matters than perhaps intended.

Anonymous said...

This is totally unrelated, but did you see that Andrew Peterson is also going to be opening for Caedmons whatever in Thunder Bay?

Aunt Deb
Are you coming to Tom's rescheduled birthday party tomorrow night?

Jerry said...

This is totally related: I didn't read the whole thing (who has time for that beast?), but I liked what I read. The Christian subculture is a waste of time, pointless, and basically just inbreeds us until we no longer make a mark on the world. "Hey! Let's just minister to Christians because they need to be SAVED!" Anyone else see a problem here? Frankly, I've just about had it with CCM, with the GMA, with "Christian" music, with "Christian" art... Christianity should permeate our lives and our art and our worldviews holistically and completely, not just be some tag we stick on what we do because it'll sell a few more records despite the fact that we suck. Christianity is something personal and internal and eternal, not a selling point, not a bumper sticker, not a monicker. Drop the stupid labels, and for God's sake (really) kill the stupid subculture that just keeps us from the Great Commish, keeps us from making art that people will actually consider, and keeps the church from actually making a real and remarkable impact on our society.

Instead we just inbreed.

End rant.