to continue with yesterday's post

So, apparently this whole "Can we say Christmas" thing isn't going to die quick... and I thought the following article (linked to in Christianity Today's blog) was pretty hilarious.

In Merry (Deleted) , Tom Purcell says

"The point is, in our efforts not to offend any particular group of folks, we're generating larger offenses that affect all of us."
"Such as?"
"Such as the Orwellian use of language we are spawning. Saying 'happy holidays' is one thing, but some nuts are now refusing to call a Christmas tree a Christmas tree. They're calling it a winter celebration tree. Others are forbidding the use of Santa Claus at public places because Santa evolved from a European folk tale based on Saint Nicholas."
"Hey, it's a free country."
"Yes, and free countries thrive when their citizens think clearly, when words are clear and concise and things mean what they really mean. When language gets murky and clouded, thinking does, too. Murky thinking doesn't bode well for any democracy."
"Look, I'm busy and need to do some winter solstice season celebration shopping. You got anything else to say?"
"Just one. Merry Christmas."

Since I couldn't say it any better myself, there you have it.

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