he'd consume the english with lightning from his eyes

now playing: american girls // counting crows

Wow, what a night. Got to hang out with a bunch of my favorite people at the BigMacFormal, then afterward at the Coverts. Been precisely four months since V-Day (if victory = freedom, that is), and I have to say, closure is a sweet thing.

What i've really been impressed with through the turmoil of the last 4 months is God's sovereignty in providing us our friends and acquaintances. My friends have provided me with more support and love than i could've ever imagined possible. My challenge to you, oh esteemed reader, is to be like my friends were. i can think of past situations (ie breakups, etc.,) where I didn't provide the kind of support that I've been so overwelmingly blessed by. And that truly is tragic . So let us set our minds today to be good friends and to provide for our friends when they are in need. For, what will you do without support? (little puny scotsman: we'll run, and we'll live!) Ay, run, and you'll live. But, many years from now when you lie dying in your bed, would you not look back and wish to trade every day from this day to that to come back here and stand and say to our enemies "You may take our lives, but you'll never take our freedom!!!!!!!!!!"

So, you'll never guess what justin and I watched. (Hint, read end of previous paragraph). I love Scotland. If I wasn't already of Scottish descent, I'd make a point of marrying a Scottish chick, for sure.

Anyway guys, I'm wiped, and its a weekend of work and youth group, so i probably ought to go. I'm so tired. T. I. R. E. D. Have a good night. Peace!(br) for now,
Hamish: Where you goin? Wallace: To pick a fight. Hamish (aside): at least we didn't get dressed up for nothing.

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