tunes and coffeeshops

now playing: pirates who don't do anything // relient k

Relient K rocks my face off. They're so incredibly funny. I seem to be going through a bit of a pop/punk revival. Don't know where it's coming from, but it makes me laugh at myself, cause I'm so not punk. Oh well, no harm in trying :-) Ever stopped and thought to yourself, "self... maybe the reason I'm miserable is that I've never actually just chased one of the dumb ideas that come through my head that might actually work" ? I'm not going to lie to you, I have those moments all the time. To be honest, I wonder if it isn't true: love God, then do what you want. Logically, if one is loving God first, then all desires will fall into line with that. I don't know... I guess I just want to do something crazy but workable.
Okay, so my capability for logical thought is failing, which is a good sign that bed is calling. Peace out guys.
For now, you better Belize it!
ah belize... where wine flows like beer and women flock like skunks

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