On Legalities

So, apparently the internet posting world is reeling after a Florida woman won 11.3 million dollars in damages (that's a lot of zeros) in a lawsuit about defaming internet posts. I don't get it. It's not that I don't get the award. In my line of work, I've been responsible several times for warning authors about potentially libelous passages in their books. How is it surprising that internet writers should be held to the same standards as "ink" writers?

So, if you blog, or if you write at all, keep in mind that if you post/write unsubstantiated accusations about people, especially people with money, you are liable for your lies under laws pertaining to libel. (That's an alliterative writing warning for you). It's not hard. Just don't say things that aren't provable. Or, in America (Sorry Canada, your libel laws are just too plaintiff friendly) make things clear statements of opinion. There's a vast difference between "I really find myself thinking that FoxNews has a pro-Venezuelan bias" and stating "FoxNews makes millions of dollars from Hugo Chavez." One is opinion, one is libel, and both are ridiculous.

This stuff really isn't that hard.

1 comment:

gracie said...

I really find myself thinking that
Andy Mack is a superior blogger whose fans have missed him so much,

No bias here,
Aunt Deb