A boring day

I can't find anything that really sets off a reaction in my brain, so I'm going to give you a few little news stories that I found interesting:

A Canada.com story about Peter Mackay calling people names. Interesting... I don't know if he did it or not, but it just goes to show you that there is some merit to the way the US runs their houses... one speaker at a time + no heckling = no question about what was said.

I have flat-out been ticked at Republicans for the past two years. … [But] this country is at a crisis point. Whether or not the Republicans deserve the power they were given, the alternatives are downright frightening."- James Dobson, at a Pennsylvania rally in September. (One of several quotes at CT's quotation marks this week.)

Finally, an MSNBC story about how American political groups are using Google's Ad service to ensure that last minute researchers find negative information about politicians they might otherwise vote for. Man, the internet makes everything easier, even smear campaigns!


Anonymous said...

So your boring day turned into a boring week? You ran out of steam? And it was such a treat to have regular posts...

Anonymous said...

You not blogging for so long "sets off a reaction in MY brain"!

Anonymous said...

Hey Andy And Rebecca,

Well its coming up to your first Christmas as Husband and Wife...Do you have any Special plans on marking this occasion???

Whats new and exciting with your lives??