grumpy-ness... grumpiness?

now playing: all the reasons why // downhere from the self-titled album.

Know what you're thinking... you're thinking "man, a bowl of chocolate ice cream would do me real good right now." But, as soon as you're done with that thought, you'll think "andymack? grumpy? no way!" Sure enough, I'm just not at the top of my game tonight. I'm frustrated, and testy, and grumpy. It makes no sense, had a blast with gurrsy, just got done my study sheet for "big exam from very hot place" tomorrow. Part of it is definitely relational blahs. I love my affianced friends, but sometimes being around them can be rather condusive to jealousy, envy, and a general desire for something relational - something for which i am not yet prepared. "On this journey, give us grace... as we follow lines Your hand will trace." Hmm. yeah. Downhere. Their first album. Rocks. Take a lesson from me guys, its well worth the wait to find the paths that God's hand has traced. "You call us to a crown - but for a time to taste the ground". Yeah, following God ain't always easy, but darned if it isn't always good. Be encouraged. I know I am. He's a good God. "Safe? No child, He's not safe! But He's good!" (the Beavers, LW&W, Chronicles of Narnia) outta here for now. Keep it real folks!

fine and dandy, must be andymack

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