spinnin' around, putting out fires... with gasoline

Currently in my cd player: Summershine by VOL.

yep, for those who know, I owe them credit for the second half of the title of this post. But, I must confess, I am hijacking their idea and applying it in a way that makes sense in my life.
Ever just had stuff that seems like a spot fire? I've felt that way emotionally of late. Everything that pops up (discontent mostly), I treat like a spot fire. But, to quote VOL, I'm putting out fire with gasoline. You know what I mean? You try to deal with it, but instead of quashing it, you make it worse? Yeah... not fun.
Here's the real question of the day: is discontent bad? I think that with my current definition of contentment, no, discontent isn't bad. Far too often I allow myself to think of contentment as just "letting go, and letting God." But, that's not really true. No where in the Bible is passivity equated to contentment. You don't just let go and lay back. There is a constant pursuit of a goal (ie... 2nd Timothy 2... read the analogies). I think that's my problem right now: I'm not really pursuing anything. I've got this Laissez Faire attitude about everything that is just really sabotaging myself.
Anyway, I've got to find stuff to be proactive about. So, that's the challenge: be proactive. Pursue a goal. Or several.
Anyway guys, until next time, call it like you see it!

E.T. Phone Home. Like, now, moron!

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